This weekend we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. From a purely intellectual standpoint, we cannot unlock the mystery of the one God united in three persons. However, we can come to better understand the divine mystery when we see it as a mystery of a relationship of total love. When we seek to live in relationships of selfless and unconditional love then we begin to experience the life of the Trinity and are even drawn into it.
Coming off of Pentecost Sunday, we find ourselves out of the Easter Season and back in Ordinary Time. This season will stretch all the way to the First Sunday of Advent, but let’s not fall into the trap of misunderstanding the word “ordinary” as its used for this season of the Church year. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ website states:
Christmas Time and Easter Time highlight the central mysteries of the Paschal Mystery, namely, the incarnation, death on the cross, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ, and the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. The Sundays and weeks of Ordinary Time, on the other hand, take us through the life of Christ. This is the time of conversion. This is living the life of Christ.
Ordinary Time is a time for growth and maturation, a time in which the mystery of Christ is called to penetrate ever more deeply into history until all things are finally caught up in Christ. The goal, toward which all of history is directed, is represented by the final Sunday in Ordinary Time, the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.
While we may be entering into the long period of ordinary time in the Church’s year, may this time be extraordinary in grace and in growth of love of God and of neighbor.
New Parish Census/Giving Program
We are transitioning from WeGather to Our Sunday Visitor for our church census management software as well as our online giving platform. The transformation is occurring because WeGather is decommissioning their product. We will need to transfer all online giving accounts to the new platform in the next few weeks. All online giving with WeGather (including recurring transactions) will end on June 30, 2022. Please look for further information on the process over the next few weeks. The parish office will also be in further contact with parishioners as we work through this transition. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Seminary Summer Intern
We have been asked to host seminarian Troy Niemerg here at CTK for a parish experience this summer. Troy is a native of Dieterich, on the east side of our diocese, and has completed his second year of theology at the Pontifical North American College in Rome. He will be with us from June 20th through August 22nd. I know that you will make Troy feel welcome.
Thank you Jerry!
Our fellow parishioner Jerry Smith, who has served several years are the director of facilities, has retired. Jerry was a great help to me in my transition as pastor two years ago. I wish Jerry the very best and thank him for his service to our parish and school.
The Precious Blood
Several weeks ago I stated my intention to return the option to receive the Precious Blood at Mass starting the first week of June. At that time, I did not envision a significant rise in Covid cases. I have made the decision to delay the return of cup at Mass until the beginning of July, continuing to evaluate the size of this new Covid wave. While I firmly believe that our Lord’s Precious Blood will make no one ill, I cannot definitively say that the virus cannot be passed on the outside of the cup. I know that some in our parish have been waiting for this option to return and I am sorry that I believe we need to wait a little longer; thank you for your patience!
Blessings to you and yours for the week ahead!
Father Chris House