The Altar and Rosary Society is a church organization open to all women of Christ the King Parish and committed to being of service to the Church through volunteer and social activities. They are affiliated with the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. All women of the parish are considered members of the Altar and Rosary Society. All meetings are announced in the weekly church bulletin. President: Mrs. Ann Forrler
Bible Study sessions are offered throughout the year. The Church Bulletin will announce Bible Study Sessions.
The CTK Men’s Club is open to all men of our parish family. They sponsor religious, social, and fund-raising events within the parish. The Men’s Club supports many needs of the church and school including athletics and scouting. All men of the parish are considered members of the Men’s Club and are welcome at monthly meetings. All meetings are announced in the weekly bulletin.
Jesus taught us “Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted” (Mt 5:4). As a parish family, we seek to comfort those by offering funeral luncheons for the bereaved. The Altar & Rosary Society provides the main course, i.e., meat, beverages and all paper products. A donation is accepted to cover the cost of the meat and paper products. We have a number of teams who take turns preparing other dishes (salads, vegetables, casseroles and desserts), setting up, serving the meal and cleaning up. Anyone interested in making up additional teams would be most welcome. This is a wonderful service provided for those experiencing the loss of a loved one. Contact: Mrs. Arlene Beveridge
This volunteer group of parishioners helps maintain the landscaping of our complex. This includes various responsibilities such as weeding, bed cleaning, shrub and tree trimming, planting and watering the flowers, etc. Contact the Parish Office if interested in volunteering with this group.
The “Legion of Mary” is a worldwide organization founded in Ireland in 1921. The object of the Legion is the glory of God through the sanctification of its members by prayer and spiritual works.
Current Officers 2022, serving 3-yr term
Pam Miller, Pres.
Mary Ellen White, V. P.
Judy Wainman, Sec.
Jean Heroux, Treas.
*Jean Heroux (past officer & faithful Child of Mary, 41 years)
We currently gather in Parish Library on Tuesdays at 9:00 a.m..
Anyone is welcome at LOM. Tessera Opening Prayers and Holy Rosary begin at 9:00 A.M. You will be given a Tessera pamphlet to follow. As you learn about Blessed Mother and after attending Legion meetings for about 3 months, you are invited to read a promise and accepted as a full-time member.
Masks required when Parish requires. Don’t forget to ask about Mary’s 15 Promises for saying a Rosary daily.
Parish Nursing at Christ the King is a ministry provided by a team of parish nurses dedicated to serving the whole person: mind, body, and spirit. The parish nurses visit the sick, promote health and healing through education, health counseling, advocacy, and various health related programs.
The Christ the King Over 50 Club is a social and support organization in our parish community with membership open to all parishioners who have passed the half-century age mark. Whether single or a couple, all parishioners over age 50 are welcome. The group meets on the First Friday of each month (October through May) at 6:00 p.m. A potluck is held with entertainment and speakers and a short business meeting. By their generosity, they award 2 to 4 scholarships each year to our deserving students.
Christ the King Parish has a prayer line for personal intentions.
If you have a special intention or someone for whom you would like prayers offered, please contact one of our prayer line leaders:
Pam Miller 217-698-0088
John Dee 217-546-8288
Sharon Schultz 217-691-4340