This ministry provides members of the parish with a true opportunity to function as lay ministers by reverently assisting the celebrant and/or deacon during Sunday Mass and at special liturgies throughout the year.
To find out more information about becoming an Altar Server, please contact the Parish Office at 217.546.3527
This ministry is dedicated to God’s living word as proclaimed by the lector. One way to proclaim His Word in Scripture is through the use of structured verse speaking - simple in concept and dynamic in application. By building the reading line by line from the beginning and maintaining a flow of thought to the end, the life contained within a scriptural reading (or any liturgical proclamation) can be enhanced by the lector applying the elements or tools of this structural format.
Sacred Scripture, then, becomes a form of spoken music (powerful or gentle - always respectful) whereby the printed word is lifted off the page and proclaimed as a living, dynamic and timeless form of praise to glorify and celebrate the Word of the Lord.
The Ministry of Music provides music during weekend Masses, holy days, weddings, funerals and Reconciliation services. Parishioners are invited to share their musical talents with the rest of the congregation through this ministry.
These lay people are sometimes referred to as Eucharistic Ministers.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion serve by bringing communion to parishioners who reside in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, or in their own homes and unable to get to church.
They also assist the priest in distributing the Eucharist at Mass.
Ushers greet those coming into our church, offer assistance to those in need, distribute parish bulletins, may help take up the gifts during Mass, and help guide parishioners durng communion.
Greeters are the first face of the parish. They greet those coming into our church, offer assistance to those in need, and may take up the gifts during Mass.
Sacristans assist, facilitate, and provide support and coordination for other liturgical ministries. In addition, they make the necessary preparations for liturgical activities.
Before three Masses on weekends, the Rosary is led by one of our Rosary Leaders.
This program is designed for small children who leave after the opening prayer at Mass with volunteer leaders and return during the Offertory of the Mass. During the 20 minutes or so that they are gone, they will hear the Mass readings from the Children’s Lectionary and discuss them, along with various activities, music and children’s bulletins. They meet during the school year at the 10:00 a.m. Mass each Sunday, excluding major holidays.
This ministry operates the soundboard, projector, live streaming software, cameras, and lighting.