The True Priceless Treasure
Some people love perusing garage sales, some flea markets, and, for others, maybe Ebay. Some are looking for something specific, some are just looking to see what they can find, and others are looking for a non-specific treasure and they’ll know it when they find it. This Sunday’s Gospel gives us two parables: the Parable of the Pearl of Great Price and the Parable of the Hidden Treasure. In both parables when the pearl and the treasure are each found, those who find them are willing to go to great lengths to acquire them.
The parables are both analogies of the Kingdom of God; it is the pearl of great price and it is the treasure hidden from worldly senses. These parables beg some questions of us: what value do we place on the things of Heaven? What value do we place on eternal life with God? Are we willing to do anything to make sure that Heaven truly becomes our final home? To help us make sure that God’s Kingdom is central in our lives, I offer some spiritual considerations for all of us:
Prioritize God: We are called to make God the center of our lives and allow His will to guide our decisions; to seek Him in prayer, the sacraments, and in the Scriptures. Practice Detachment: Are there any possessions or habits that hinder our relationship with God. If so, pray for the grace to let go of anything that does not lead you closer to Him. Practice Sacrificial Love: Like those in the parables, embrace sacrificial love for God and others. Seek to love and serve God with all your heart, and love your neighbor as yourself. Seek Wisdom: Like the merchant seeking fine pearls, cultivate a hunger for spiritual wisdom and understanding, always seeking to grow in faith and knowledge of God's ways.
May these parables inspire us to evaluate our priorities to be sure that the Kingdom of God is the ultimate treasure for us.
Welcome Home Fr. Tom!
I am very happy to welcome Fr. Tom McDermott to all of our Masses next weekend; he will be presiding at a couple of them and preaching at all four. We will be having a special collection for his ministry in Bangladesh. For those who do not know Fr. Tom, he is a son of CTK and a member of the Congregation of Holy Cross; you may better know the Congregation of Holy Cross as the religious community who founded the University of Notre Dame. While Fr. Tom comes home to CTK for a visit each summer, we take up a collection for his ministry every other year for the great work that he has done over the years throughout Africa and currently in Bangladesh.
Upcoming Eucharistic Congress
As part of the on-going Eucharistic Revival implemented by the bishops of the United States and in conjunction with the 100th anniversary of the transfer of our diocesan see (seat) from Alton to Springfield, Bishop Paprocki has called for our diocese to celebrate a Eucharistic Congress. A Eucharistic Congress can be a diocesan or national event that is focused in some way on the gift and mystery of the Holy Eucharist in an effort to promote greater devotion to our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Our congress is happening on Saturday, October 28th, at the BOS Center in Springfield. Doors open at 10:30am. Dr. Scott Hahn is the keynote speaker for the day along with three other speakers who will give short talks. There will also be opportunities for Eucharistic adoration and celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The day will culminate with Mass with Bishop Paprocki and the clergy of the diocese at 4PM. The event is free, but admission is by ticket only. Our parish has been allotted 160 tickets. Registration for the day is made through our parish office with the deadline extended to September 15th. Much more information can be found at
Pilgrimage to Italy and the Vatican – June 2024
Over the past few years, with leading two pilgrimages to the Holy Land, I’ve been asked if I would offer a pilgrimage to Rome; so, I’ve put one together. Next year, June 9th-20th, I will lead a pilgrimage to Italy and the Holy See. For anyone interested, I will offer an informational meeting on Sunday, August 20th, at 1:30PM in the parish center. Flyers for the trip are available in the parish office.
Blessings to you and yours for the week ahead!
Father Chris House