The Sower, the Seed, and Us
Living in central Illinois, you don’t have to be a farmer to know a little bit about agriculture. We all know that it takes more than dropping a seed on the ground and hope to have something come the harvest. It takes the seed, it takes good ground, water, sunlight, and other things to bring forth something good. It is the same with the Christian life and our Lord points that out to us in this Sunday’s Gospel with the parable of the sower, the seed, and the ground.
Agriculture 2,000 years ago was nothing like it is today. Crops that were grown were mostly done on a very small tract of land with only a few rows. Where Jesus is preaching on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, there would have been a path along the shore with some rows of crops alongside of it in most places, thus people would have readily been able to understand the image of the hard path, the rocky ground, the shallow earth, and the good soil. When someone would plant seed, it was generally not a precise act but the seed was scattered liberally, landing on all types of ground with the hope being that the good swatches of land would receive it.
The parable is easy to understand, but putting into practice may have its challenges. The seed is the Word, not just what we find in Scripture, but God sending forth His will and a share in His divine life into the world and he does it generously. The challenge is receiving the gift of God that is sent out. While receiving the gift of God’s life and grace may be a passive act on our part, we must be active in making sure our lives are primed for receiving it; we must make sure that our lives are good ground ready to receive the good things of God that will in turn bring forth even more goodness and grace for our well-being, that of our neighbor, and for the glory of God.
Sometimes our lives become hardened because of sin or perhaps because of sorrows or hurts that we have faced. If that may be the case then let us seek the gentle rain of God’s love and mercy to soften that ground of our lives in order that we can receive the good things of God which our Lord really wants us to have.
Grief Share
I will again be assisting Theresa Hansen of our parish in hosting grief share sessions starting this month. The group sessions are opportunities for assistance in dealing with grief as well as maybe getting some answers to questions of faith that can confront us in times of loss. Grief support is done in three session modules quarterly, with this upcoming module running on Saturdays July 22nd, 29th, and August 5th, at 10AM in the parish center. For more information please contact the parish office.
Blessings to you and yours for the week ahead!
Father Chris House