The Joy of Discipleship
All of the readings this Sunday have an air of joy to them. The first reading from Isaiah speaks of a joy yet to come that will be in response to the good things that God has done for his people. In the Gospel, the disciples rejoice because of the power of Christ that is evidently working in and through them. Even Paul in his letter to the Galatians speaks with joy about the Cross of the Lord, understanding that the Cross is that instrument by which the Lord has united Himself to his people and the same tool by which He has set his people free from the world.
Joy is a Christian virtue. It is not a mood like happiness, but a state of being and one that the Christian is called to live in constantly. If we are sincere in our discipleship, coming to understand the depth of the goodness that God has shown us, as well as understanding that God is not done lavishing us with his grace and mercy, then we cannot help but have that same joy that we hear about in the readings this Sunday. That joy then is what grows the Church. That joy becomes the unspoken invitation to others to come, see, and experience the goodness of God. May the Holy Spirit open our eyes and hearts to the reality of God’s love for us that our joy may increase, and that the joy we have may be an invitation to greater life in Christ for those around us.
Thank you Garden Club
When coming on to the parish grounds, you cannot help but notice the beauty of the trees, lawn, plants, and flowers. My thanks to the Garden Club for their continual efforts in keeping our parish grounds both beautiful and inviting for both our parishioners and for those who are our guests.
Happy Independence Day
Blessings to everyone for a safe and happy 4th of July weekend. One of the many unfortunate side effects of a 24 hour news cycle and social media is the ever growing sensation that our country is tearing apart. All the more reason for us to pray for our Republic daily, for its unity and sanctification, and for it to heed the call to truly be one nation, under God.
Greetings from Jerusalem
This weekend our pilgrimage group is making its way to Jerusalem, having spent Tues-Fri in Galilee. After three nights in Jerusalem, we will spend three nights in Bethlehem and then return home on Friday. Please know of my prayers for all of us at CTK in these days.
Blessings to you and yours for the week ahead!
Father Chris House