This Sunday we are given a parable from the Lord that teaches us important lessons about preparedness and vigilance as we await the Lord’s return in glory. In this parable, Jesus speaks of ten bridesmaids, five wise and five foolish. The wise bridesmaids were prepared, carrying extra oil for their lamps, while the foolish ones did not. When the bridegroom was delayed, all the bridesmaids grew drowsy and slept. However, when the call came to meet the bridegroom, the foolish bridesmaids found themselves unprepared and asked the wise ones for some oil. The wise bridesmaids, though, could not share their oil, as there would not be enough for all.
The message is clear: we must be prepared for the unexpected, just as the wise bridesmaids were. Jesus is the bridegroom for whom the Church must await. We do not know the day or the hour when He will come, but we are called to be vigilant and ready. What does this mean for us as Catholics today? It means living a life of faith, staying close to God through prayer, reading the Scriptures, and receiving the Sacraments. It means showing love and compassion to our neighbors. It means being good stewards of the gifts and talents God has given us, using them for the service of others and the glory of God.
We must not be like the foolish bridesmaids who were unprepared, but like the wise ones who were vigilant and ready. As we go about our daily lives, let us keep the light of faith burning brightly within us, so that when our Lord returns, He will find us ready and welcome us into the joy of His eternal kingdom.
Mass of Remembrance – Thank You
Thank you to everyone who was a part of making this year’s parish Mass of Remembrance happen. It was a beautiful and moving tribute to parishioners who have gone before us in faith since the previous All Souls Day. I also know that it is greatly appreciated by the family members of the departed. Thanks to all for your kindness.
Thank You to Our Veterans
This past Saturday was our national commemoration of Veterans Day; our parish school had a wonderful Mass and celebration for veterans this past Wednesday. To all who have served in our nation’s armed forces, whether in war or peace, thank you for your service and may God abundantly bless you.
Parish Breakfast – Sunday, November 19th
Next Sunday, November 19th, following the 8am and 10am Masses, the Altar and Rosary Society will be hosting their annual parish breakfast in the parish center. Normally the breakfast is celebrated on the Sunday of our patronal feast of Christ the King, but our feast falls on the Sunday after Thanksgiving this year so the ladies have opted to have it the Sunday before. Thank you to the Altar and Rosary Society for your generosity and hospitality in providing this fellowship opportunity.
New Book by Fr. Richard Chiola
Fr. Richard Chiola recently published a book, Science and Christ: a Dialogue, which shows how the traditional teachings about Jesus Christ relate to the Big Bang, the evolution of humans, environmental concerns, and the future of the universe. He will be signing his book after Masses next Saturday and Sunday and will have copies for sale. The book price is $18. You can read more about the book at
Blessings to you and yours for the week ahead!
Father Chris House