Persistence Pays Off
This Sunday’s Gospel offers us two important lessons about our God. First, to be persistent in our prayer. Jesus appears to be somewhat obstinate towards the woman in this Sunday’s Gospel, not quickly acceding to her request for Him to free her daughter from demonic possession; in fact, His comments to her are rather shocking in comparing her as a non-Jew to a dog wanting scraps from the master’s table. His words though are as much for the disciples as they are for the woman. Jesus knows the depths of her faith and His difficulty towards her is a means by which He is drawing her faith out for everyone else to see. Ultimately He shows his disciples, and the woman, that persistence in faith is rewarded and Jesus sets the woman’s daughter free.
The second lesson in this Sunday’s Gospel is implicit compared to the first lesson regarding persistence, and that lesson is that everyone is welcome in God’s Kingdom; and if everyone is welcome in the Kingdom that also means that everyone must be welcome in the Church. At the same time we must also understand that while all are welcome does not mean that anything goes. To be a part of the Kingdom, means that we must be about the will of the King and not our own will or the world’s will. This is clear is the first reading from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah where the Lord states that “my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples”; and how is anyone admitted to the Lord’s house: by “loving the name of the Lord and becoming his servants.” To truly be a part of the household of God is not about political ideology or party affiliation, social contracts, or platforms; to be a part of the household of God is about seeking God on His terms, conforming our will to His will, dying to ourselves in the process, and allowing His grace to truly be living and effective in our lives.
Memorial Hospital Pastoral Care Changes
As you many know, Memorial Hospital announced the week before last a number of cuts in personnel. Among those cuts was its chaplain corps. The hospital still has a pastoral care department with two staff members in office Monday through Friday from 7:30AM to 3:30PM. Local priests were informed that Memorial will no longer be informing parishes of parishioners who are in the hospital; this has already been developing into a new norm with communication from both hospitals in town becoming less over the past few years. Holy Communion will continue to be brought to Catholic patients through generous volunteers.
Any parishioners who are in need of/desire pastoral care from the clergy here at CTK, please make sure that the parish office knows. If you have a planned hospitalization, you are always welcome to request the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick before your hospitalization.
School Days
After a long summer break, just a little over three months since the ‘22/’23 school year ended on May 19th, the ‘23/’24 school year is upon us this Monday! Mrs. Jill Seaton is in the captain’s chair to sail us into another great year for Catholic education at CTK. Please remember our faculty & staff and students & their families in your prayers that God will bless our school with every grace needed to be a strong faith-filled witness to Him because a strong faith-filled school can only be a blessing for our parish.
Cougar Kick-Off
Thank you to the CTK Men’s Club and CTK PTO who will be hosting the Cougar Kick-Off in celebration of the new school year next Saturday, August 26th, after the 4:30PM Mass. You can find more information in this bulletin. All are welcome.
Blessings to you and yours for the week ahead!
Father Chris House