Keeping the Fire Burning
St. Paul exhorts St. Timothy to “stir into flame the gift of God that you have through the imposition of my hands” in this Sunday’s second reading. Paul is speaking about the grace that Timothy received through the Sacrament of Holy Orders as a bishop. While not the same grace or measure necessarily, all of us by baptism are given the “gift of God,” an outpouring of the Holy Spirit into our lives and the Sacrament of Confirmation is the divine act whereby that gift is stirred up in us. We must work to keep that gift aflame within ourselves, not letting it go down to the embers or burn out. We are challenged to daily seek those things that will nourish the fire of God within, to remain as active disciples. As you’ve heard me say before, we cannot be passive disciples, which itself is actually a contradiction in terms. Do you feel that the fire within is dying down? Like any fire, we have to feed it, sometimes poke it, to stir those flames again. God has given the fire of faith that is within; we must cooperate with him to feed it and keep it burning brightly.
Cougar Pride
Next week will be the seventh week of the school year and things are rolling along. At present we have 511 students in our school, the largest enrollment since 1982. There are challenges as children’s developmental needs are different than they were in the 1980s but we have a faculty and staff who are there to meet those challenges. The spiritual challenges are there too, especially with trying to convince our families to make Sunday Mass a priority; the kids’ Wednesday school Mass is not a substitute for Sunday Mass because Sunday is the Lord’s day and worship as a family is vital. The challenges are worth the effort in meeting them because we have a school full of great kids that we can be proud of in the classroom and on the field/court/course/track/diamond. Thank you to all of you who continue to support the work of our parish school.
Church Roof
If you haven’t noticed, our church roof (not the flat part) got a much needed facelift over the past several weeks. It was due for some repairs for blistering that had developed; with the repairs it was also power washed and painted. We have been working since the spring of 2021 to find someone who would get it done and I offer my thanks to Nikki and Justin on the parish staff for shepherding the project along.
Parish Nurse Ministry
Thank you to those members of our parish nurse ministry who provided blood pressure screenings before and after the 4:30PM, 8AM, and 10AM Masses last weekend. This is wonderful ministry that we are blessed to have in our parish; thank you to all who are a part of it!
Holy Land Pilgrimage
In response to many requests, I have planned another pilgrimage to the Holy Land. This trip will be a little different that the one last June/July in that we will also visit Jordan and Egypt. The pilgrimage will depart May 29, 2023. I am happy to also be doing this pilgrimage in conjunction with Vicki Compton at the Cathedral. Vicki is the current faith formation director at the Cathedral and the former director of our diocesan Office for the Missions. We will have an informational meeting for those interested in possibly going on Sunday, October 30th, at 12:30PM in the parish center. You can also get a flyer from the parish office.
Blessings to you and yours for the week ahead!
Father Chris House